How Does It Work?
A simple, maintenance free way to utilize the sun’s light for interior spaces. Capture the sunlight at roof level and transfer it through reflective tubes to interior areas.
Applications for all uses – commercial, industrial, education, residential – the only limit is tube length.

The use of Sunlight Domes will result in considerable savings in electricity costs. A
building’s lighting system can consume up to 40% of the total energy cost – imagine
the cost benefits when you are able to turn off the lights for up to 10 hours per day.
Additionally because our system generates much less heat than an electric light, the
cooling load on the building is also reduced. Result is a saving in the cost of running
air conditioners. Below, you can see the actual difference in temperature between a
Sunlight Dome unit and a typical workshop electrical .Can be used with our light
sensors to cover periods of overcast weather.
Most countries have now introduced new Green Building Codes. Most of these codes have a section covering natural daylighting. Green Building Codes recognize the importance of natural light into buildings and also the disadvantages of traditional methods (windows/skylights). Example, increase in heat gain and glare. Sunlight Dome gives flexibility in placing required natural light without heat gain and glare.
Sunlight Domes will contribute to obtaining the credit points required to achieve a Green Building Certificate.

As an example, a typical warehouse with 100 electric high bay lamps you can save 100 tons of CO2 emissions per year by using Sunlight Domes.
- 4.82 mt The average footprint for people in Asian Countries.
- 4mt The average worldwide carbon footprint.
- 11mt The average for industrial nations.
- 2 mt The worldwide target to combat climate change.
Since Sunlight Domes are used between early morning to late evening they are reducing electrical demand during peak load times in most areas. This in the long term will lead to less and/or smaller power stations.

The lack of light has been documented to cause Seasonal Affective Disorder (winter depression or the winter blues), maladjustment of our body clock (circadian rhythms) and consistent periods of reduced productivity and enthusiasm.
The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research estimates that, in the United States alone, businesses lose more than $150 billion a year in productivity as a result of employee fatigue. One solution is providing a well-lit workspace, with as much natural light as possible.
Colour Quality
In areas such as Artwork, Printing, Car Bodywork Spraying, Fabrics, Furniture repair and numerous others, the need to see the true colour of objects can be critically important. With regular artificial lighting a very limited range of colours is seen, So when natural light is utilized the quality of work produced can be significantly improved.
Three observations:
- Notice how the yellow and green peaks. This is what you see.
- Notice the lack of color spectra, in comparison to the other lights.
- The blacks are flat lining on the right, contracts and form visibility is decrease With Sunlight Dome the full colour spectrum Is provided.